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    The school participated in the 109 years Nationwide Student Art Competition
    and won the middle grade graphic design masterpiece

       Our school participated in the First Youth Literature Award of Kinmen
         and won the first and second prose awards.

        Our school participated in the Kinmen County Games
        and won the fourth place in the elementary school boys group.
        First place in the fun competition.

2021-03-06 分享 110年元月號-第107期 (管理員 / 650 / 親師聯絡雙月刊-PT Monthly)
2021-01-05 分享 109年12月號-第106期 (管理員 / 504 / 親師聯絡雙月刊-PT Monthly)
2021-01-05 分享 109.07.24岳明國小小帆手與古寧國小交流Yueming Elementary School communicate with Guning Elementary School (管理員 / 890 / 活動花絮-Activities)
2021-01-05 分享 109.08.08清大史懷哲課輔前進古寧國小 Tsinghua University Shi Huaizhe's Class guidance to Guning Elementary School. (管理員 / 1813 / 活動花絮-Activities)
2021-01-05 分享 2020金門縣民俗才藝觀摩活動,古寧國小57分50秒-1時02分32秒 Kinmen County Folklore Talent show, Guning Elementary School 57 minutes 50 seconds-1:02 minutes 32seconds (管理員 / 676 / 古寧影片-Guning Film)
2021-01-04 分享 2020鞋盒傳愛到偏鄉,金門學童超開心 Shoeboxes spread love to the remote villages, Kinmen students are so happy . (管理員 / 638 / 古寧影片-Guning Film)
2021-01-04 分享 2020靜心高中鞋盒傳愛到古寧 Chingshin High School Shoebox Passes Love to Guning (管理員 / 693 / 古寧影片-Guning Film)
2021-01-04 分享 2020古寧國小教學參觀日歡樂耶誕報佳音 The Teaching Visiting Day of Guning Elementary School (管理員 / 442 / 古寧影片-Guning Film)
2021-01-04 分享 2020國際扶輪社為古寧國小建置圖書角落 Rotary International builds a book corner for Guning Elementary School (管理員 / 482 / 古寧影片-Guning Film)
2021-01-04 分享 2019古寧國小慶祝母親節感恩影片 Celebrating Mother's Day Thanksgiving Videos (管理員 / 535 / 古寧影片-Guning Film)