【獎助學金 Scholarship】
李氏宗親會獎助學金(4月1日至4月30日)(2022.05.13修訂) Lee Scholarship and Bursary (April 1 to April 30)(Revised on May 13, 2022) ★ 李氏宗親會獎助學金申請辦法 ★ 紙本申請表 ★線上申請表 ★ Guidelines on Li's Scholarship and Bursary Application ★ Application Form 李清河獎學金(4月1日至4月30日)(2022.05.13修訂) Li Qinghe Scholarship (April 1 to April 30)(Revised on May 13, 2022) ★ 李清河獎學金申請辦法 ★ 紙本申請表 ★ 線上申請表 ★ Guidelines on Li Qinghe Scholarship and Bursary Application ★ Application Form 李錫榮獎學金 (4月1日至4月30日) (2022.05.13修訂) Li Xirong Scholarship and Bursary (April 1 to April 30)(Revised on May 13, 2022) ★ 李錫榮獎學金申請辦法 ★ 紙本申請表 ★線上申請表 ★ Guidelines on Li Xirong Scholarship and Bursary Application ★ Application Form 李炎沛李明燁父子獎學金實施要點(限校內申請) Guidelines on Li Yanpei Li Mingye Father and Son Scholarship Implementation(On-campus application only) ★ Application Form for Li Yanpei Li Mingye Father and Son Scholarship 李忠興先生黃秀珍女士伉儷獎助學金 (限校內申請) Mr. Li Zhongxing, Ms. Huang Xiuzhen and Mrs. Huang Xiuzhen Scholarship and Bursary (On-campus application only) 李張東華獎助學金 (限校內申請) Lee Zhang Donghua Scholarship and Bursary (On-campus application only) ★ Guidelines on Ms. Li Zhang Donghua Scholarship and Bursary Application ★Application Form 黃梨端女士進步獎獎助學金 (限校內申請) Ms. Huang Liduan Progress Award Scholarship (On-campus application only) ★ 黃梨端女士獎助學金申請辦法 ★申請表 ★ Guidelines on Ms. Huang Liduan Scholarship and Bursary Application ★Application Form 李黃錦、李明燁母子獎助學金(10月1日至10月20日) (限校內申請) Li Huangjin, Li Mingye Mother and Child Scholarship (October 1 to October 20) (On-campus application only) ★Li Huangjin and Li Mingye Mother and Son Scholarship Application Guidelines