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    The school participated in the 109 years Nationwide Student Art Competition
    and won the middle grade graphic design masterpiece

       Our school participated in the First Youth Literature Award of Kinmen
         and won the first and second prose awards.

        Our school participated in the Kinmen County Games
        and won the fourth place in the elementary school boys group.
        First place in the fun competition.

公告 人事 - 最新消息-News | 2017-07-21 | 人氣:909

為應行政院106年7月3日院授人給字第10600502951號函修正核定退休公教人員子女教育補助規定,行政院人事行政總處檢送「退休公教人員子女教育補助常見問答集」1份,如附件 ,問答集業置於該總處全球資訊網/政策與業務/總處政策與業務/業務Q&A/福利文康專區,未來如相關規定遇有新增或修正,行政院人事行政總處將配合增修,不再另送。

  • 1) 退休子女教育補助常見問答集.docx