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    The school participated in the 109 years Nationwide Student Art Competition
    and won the middle grade graphic design masterpiece

       Our school participated in the First Youth Literature Award of Kinmen
         and won the first and second prose awards.

        Our school participated in the Kinmen County Games
        and won the fourth place in the elementary school boys group.
        First place in the fun competition.

學校願景【School Vision】

  1. 【健康】古寧學子依循歷年傳統,3-6年級學生每日清晨6:50蒞校鍛鍊,全年無休,並落實每日課間運動20分鐘,推展校訂課程單車壯遊古寧,培養學生終身運動習慣,紮根健康體能,建立「勝不驕,敗不餒」健康素養。
  2. 【自主】透過豐富的環境教育課程,啟發學子的學習興趣,以自然生態田野調查、戰役史蹟軍事探究、歷史文化美學傳遞等課程,結合數位化記載實錄、耆老訪談、討論發表,引發學生好奇心與學習熱忱,進而培養自主學習之態度與習慣。
  3. 【關懷】藉由聚落廟宇節慶的參與,引發對社區周遭人事物的覺察與關注;藉由生態保育動物的認識,引發對全球環保議題的探究與討論;藉由戰役軍事史蹟的體驗,引發對國際和平公民責任的觀念與判斷;藉由在地化舞蹈(鸕鶿舞動、雙鯉魚趣)及音樂饗宴,引發在地關懷與土地認同。
  4. 【共好】帶領學生共同親近泥土體驗擎蚵採蚵,烹飪石蚵美食分享,守護海洋淨灘,團隊乘騎鐵馬探索遊學,社區服務打掃,小組討論發表,研發文創商品,數位攝影編輯,共同解決困難,提升成功經驗與學習樂趣。


School Vision

  1. Growth: Students from grade 3 to grade 6 should carry out exercise at 6:50 am every day throughout the year, and each student should carry out exercise for 20 minutes between classes every day. The school will promote bicycle tours in Guning to cultivate students' lifelong exercise habit, take root in physical fitness, and establish the magnanimity of not to feel conceited when winning and not to lose heart when losing.
  2. Taking the Initiative: Rich educational programs, combined with digital documentaries, interviews with elders, discussions and announcements, pique students’ curiosity and eagerness to learn, and then develop an attitude and habit of self-learning.

  3. Love: Through the participation of community temple festivals, the understanding of ecologically protected animals, the experience of military historical sites visiting, and the local dance and music feast to arouse local caring and territorial identity.

  4. Seeking the Common Good: Lead the students to experience oyster picking, share oyster cooking, clear the beach, explore neighborhood natural and cultural environvent by bicycle, provide community cleaning service, and then help students apply and practice what they have learned, like discuss and publish in groups, develop cultural and creative products. Make students willing to contribute to the sustainable development of society, nature and culture and seek mutual benefit.



  1. 培養具備人本情懷、統整能力、民主素養、鄉土與國際意識,以及能進行終身學習的健全國民。
  2. 配合學生身心能力發展歷程,尊重個性發展與多元文化價值,強化科學知能,以培養具備十大基本能力的廿一世紀國民。
  3. 評析學校現存優、缺點及未來的危機與轉機,擬定行動策略,以發展學習型的優質學校。
  4. 激勵教師專業成長,發揮團隊合作與專業自主精神,強化統整課程、協同教學、課程研發、創意教學及多元 評量的能力。
  5. 結合家長與社區資源,借助家長專長教學,廣邀社區專業人才,共同參與學校發展,營造溫馨的社區化學校。